
Tom is a Certified Mental Performance Consultant (CMPC) through the Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP). He received his Master’s degree in Exercise and Sports Science from Merrimack College and a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Siena College. Tom is also a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) through the NSCA. He has extensive experience working with athletes at the youth, high school, collegiate, and professional levels, as well as with high school and college coaches and various sports teams. His expertise lies in helping individuals build confidence, enhance focus, manage performance pressure, regulate emotions, improve communication, and develop leadership skills.

In January 2021, Smalley became a Lead Advocate for the International OCD Foundation and co-founded the Anxiety in Athletes initiative – a task force and online resource center with the help of the IOCDF in an effort to breakdown the stigma around mental health in athletics.

Smalley has a strong passion for weightlifting and began competing in 2021, 8 years after his mental health forced him to put a halt to his athletic career. He is a USAW Adaptive Division 2x Gold Medalist.

Prior Experience:

Sienna College athletic logo; The words SIENA with brown and white dog behind letters.
Blue logo of the Saint Anselm Athletics
Light blue logo of Tufts University with blue and gray elephant.

“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another”

— Proverbs 27:17

Core Values

  • White sign saying You're Worthy of Love in black text, on a wooden post outdoors


    Having worked with so many different athletes in a variety of settings, I’ve seen firsthand the negative stigma around sharing how we feel. Being emotional in athletics is often frowned upon and labeled “soft” and It is time to break that mold and connect with people using compassion and empathy.

  • Young white male athlete standing with a heavy barbell overhead, on a platform.


    There is no denying in life that there will be challenges thrown our way. However, life is truly 10% what happens to us and 90% how we respond. There is no success without struggle. Teaching people who are struggling how to push through and become resilient to challenges is always at the forefront of who we are and what we do.

  • Young white male coach smiling, while leaning against dumbbell weight rack.


    You are entirely custom-made and allowed to be yourself. Being vulnerable and showing others who you are creates stronger relationships and will get you further with your personal development than pretending to be someone else. There is strength in vulnerability and authenticity- always be yourself.

  • coach supervising athlete doing an exercise


    It is tough to wake up every day feeling 100% and ready to attack your goals. You won’t always be motivated. That is why we must rely on discipline and continue to show up. Focusing on being 1% better each day will accumulate into substantial progress over time.